Betamax Voip - The Cheapest Voip

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Secret To Be Reseller Betamax has Reveal



Good news for those who want to be Betamax Reseller.

I've discover how to be Betamax Reseller. This secret is just reveal now.. Don't take it as granted because maybe Betamax will close after this, like before.

It cost you ONLY USD 189..

Why you should pay me?

1. With this reseller account you can transfer money to all Betamax labels ( 23 companies)

2. You can generate voucher from € 10 & € 20, it can be use to all Betamax labels.

3. It take only maximum 14 days to process. Usually, it take 3 days.

4. Usually reseller Betamax like don't reveal this secret because we can gain 2000 - 3000 USD, a month... why we want to reveal this secret because as u know when more reseller.. the more competitive.

5. To reval this secret, i had lost a lot of money to try and error.

6. You account will create after you give m your detail. I'll process it to you

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