Betamax Voip - The Cheapest Voip

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

How To Hack Lowratevoip to get free call..


Hello their.. i've info for you about Lowratevoip..

sometime their are some problem to betamax users.. they don't get their free call.. Any user which had buy credit any amount.. minimum euro 5.. will get 30 days free call.. free 3 hours every weeks..

If you don't get this better.. made a demonstration, ask your goverment to shutting down Betamax.. (haha.. just joking)

Here some solution to avoid problem from happend :-

1. Never buy credit using credit card.. ( only buy from reseller)

2. Don't buy to much.. or just get the vouchers.. don;t use all your voucher.. when the
credit is lowered than you topup.

3. If you don't get free, please restart your routers.. it should work

Ok.. hope this help you a lot thanx..

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